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Are you using Harmony Assistant, Melody Assistant, OMeR or Virtual Singer and you want to share your experience with other users?
Write an article about the subject you are interested in and send it back to us. It will be added first on this page, then in the manual so that everybody could read it.

If you wish to translate an article in your natural language, you are welcome too.

What kind of subject can I choose?

Any subject related to music can be interesting, it must simply refer to one of the software programs that can be found on this site. For example, if you practice a given domain in music, your way of  working can be interesting.
Please consider however these articles are designed to let you express your experience in a given domain, not to open a debate or provide a subjective opinion.

How do I submit an article?

The article can be written in any language. Its length is not limited (try however not to be too verbose. Some readers won't master perfectly the language the article is written in).
It is recommended to start with a quick summary of the content, then divide the content in chapters, and eventually end it with bibliographical references.

All submitted articles must include:

  • Author name
  • Article title
  • When it refers to a software program, its name and version
Submitted file format can be either HTML or RTF. In case of HTML, you can insert graphics, links or examples in Myriad Music Plug-in format. Ensure however not to include too big objects (less than ten kilobytes if possible), in order not to penalize owners of a slow internet connection.

If you prefer to send it in RTF format, we'll convert it into HTML.

Send the whole stuff to didier@myriad-online.com

If necessary, we'll send you back what needs to be changed or rewritten.

Even after your article has been published, you can still submit a new version of your article. It will simply replace the previous one.  

Submitted article list

Transcribe music from an audio file with Melody Assistant
Remy Krom
Transcribe music from an audio file With Melody Assistant (.pdf)
English Integrating Reaper and Harmony Assistant How-to
T. Le Meur
Integrating Reaper and Harmony Assistant How-to (.pdf)
11/16/2006 English
Harmony/Melody Assistant and the Garritan Jazz & Big Band Library
How to use the Garritan Jazz & Big Band Library (JABB) in Harmony/Melody Assistant
07/26/2006 English
Harmony/Melody Assistant and GPO studio
How to use the Garritan Personal Orchestra in Harmony/Melody Assistant
01/07/2003 French
Ornements de note
Michel Pondeville
Les ornements de notes, étude avancée.


Copyright laws

Diritti di autore
Laurier Nappert

Angelo Tringale
Copyright laws.

Leggi sui diritti di autore
The Guitar
 Laurier Nappert
This article is mainly about the use of guitar accompaniment, chords and the modification of chords on the guitar. 
Study CDs for Choral groups
 Juan Brasch
Small tutorial on ‘HOW’ to create a “STUDY” CD for a choral group, with comments & other suggestions as posted on the Myriad BBS.
WAV, AIFF, MP3, MPEG, AU and all other forms of audio files recognition to MIDI or MUS files
Joel Ellis Rea

Laurier Nappert
Is it possible to convert digital audio data to score?
Using SoundFonts in Harmony Assistant
Enrique Feás
This article explains how to use MIDI SoundFonts as an alternative to the instrument sounds given by the Myriad digital soundbase (GMsebase.rsr). The article refers to SBLive! series soundcards in Windows, but can be of use for any SoundFont-compatible soundcard in any operating system
Utilizar SoundFonts en Harmony Assistant
Enrique Feás
Este artículo explica cómo usar SoundFonts MIDI como alternativa a los sonidos de instrumento de la base de sonidos digital (GMsebase.rsr) de Myriad. Este artículo hace referencia a las tarjetas de sonido de la serie SBLive! en Windows, pero puede ser de utilidad para cualquier otra tajeta de sonido compatible con SoundFonts en cualquier sistema operativo 
Digital recording
Esmeralda Weatherwax
I start this article with a step-by-step introduction to the basics of digital recording using Melody or Harmony Assistant. Then I finish with a short tutorial showing how you can make a simple, customized musical instrument from any digitally recorded sample. 
Rehearsing Choral Music
Alan Gapes
Some simple instructions for singers who just want to rehearse.

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