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Myriad Flash Drive

The Myriad Flash Drive includes all you can download for free from our Web site.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) download

The flash Drive contentbe downloaded for free through the Bittorrent P2P network:

If you don't have installed any Bittorrent client software yet, we recommend µTorrent on Windows and Azureus on Macintosh. Once the Bittorrent client installed on your computer,

(*) It is an ISO or ZIP file. Unpack the files in a temporary folder on your hard drive, the follow the instructions provided in the help files

Please support the P2P system, by staying connected a bit after having downloaded the file. It will help other people to download faster.

Regular download


The most recent versions of all our programs are available on this flashdrive. Of course, only the software itself is included, license numbers have to be purchased separately...

The GOLD Sound Base is not provided on the Myriad Flash Drive. It has to be ordered separately.


If you need a physical version, participation to making, handling and shipping is (or ).

Accepted payment methods are described here.

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