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Myriad Newsletter

Current time : 01/23/2025 03:15 GMT

Events about the miscellaneous items of the Myriad team work are published here.

Each topic includes all the announcements that have been made. You can read these announcements from this Web page, or subscribe to one or more topics to receive the news on your mailbox for free.

Select a topic to view the already published announcements:

All news
All the topics below.
(Last message : 01/26/2014 11:13 GMT)
Website newsletter
All about changes in the content of this Website.
Changes in the Democratic workshop, friendly contest, demo pages...
are announced here.
(Last message : 01/26/2014 11:13 GMT)
New versions announcements
Everybody who purchased a registration receives automatically
the major version announcements for this product.
Here, all new versions for all our products are announced.
(Last message : 11/30/2017 16:09 GMT)
Current development newsletter
Everything the Myriad team is currently working on.
These improvements will be included in the next version of the program.
(Last message : 01/26/2014 11:13 GMT)

If you want to receive the next announcements by e-mail, please input your e-mail address below. You will then receive your newletter management access. 

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  1. The e-mail address you provide will only be used by our robot for sending the Myriad newsletter.
  2. In order to prevent abuse, information about your current Internet connection will be included in the message.

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