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No recognition algorithm can be 100% reliable. In the event you encounter translation errors, PDFtoMusic offers some tools to help you fix them.

Staves and systems


PDFToMusic extracts character fonts from the PDF document, in order to "read" the music sheet. However, when a PDF document is created, fonts are not stored as is in the file, but transformed. First, to shrink the file size, only used characters are embedded.The name of the font is also often encoded. Moreover, no clue is provided that would enable PDFtoMusic to distinguish it without fail.

Some portions of text can be written with a default font (Times, Courier, ...), directly managed by the PDF format. In such cases, the font is not included in the PDF file and won't appear in the recognized font list.
In a first step, PDFtoMusic tries to extract a consistent font name, and searches for it in its known font name database. If the name is found, the font is considered as "forced, application". You can't change this status.

If the first step gets nowhere, PDFtoMusic applies dedicated algorithms to distinguish between text and music fonts. Fonts are then marked as "Text, auto", or "Music, auto". You can change this status through the "Correction > Fonts" menu option and, for instance, change a text font to music font. 

Tip: double-clicking a character on the PDF document opens this window with the matching font selected.

This change can be limited to the document or applied to all documents.
If limited to the document, only the current document will be affected by this change.
If applied to all documents, each time the font name will be found again in a PDF file, its state will be forced. Of course, this option has to be used wisely. You therefore create your own database of the fonts that are the most frequently found. 

To reset the font name bases, open this box with the Command key held down.
Please note that these changes can be stored in the PDF document, and kept from one use of this file to another, or if you send the document to another user.
In this last case, the font name database of the recipient won't be altered.
Once fonts have been marked as music or text, they are processed accordingly by PDFtoMusic.
Music fonts are optically analyzed, character by character, in order to guess the meaning of each of them.
For text fonts, the operation is a bit different. PDFtoMusic uses first the Unicode data from the PDF file. In most of the cases, the result is consistent. However, some PDF files don't provide accurate Unicode data. It's rather easy to realize: recognized text is completely different from the original one.

Here is for instance what you see in PDFtoMusic:

And once the result is loaded in a music notation software:

It is usually sufficient to correct this to uncheck "Unicode Compliant", unicode data will no longer be used.

You can also give full priority to Unicode by checking 'Strict Unicode '

PDFtoMusic offers also a solution to this problem by making "Text font, with optical recognition" editable. Once a font is marked as such, if it appears that there are errors in the default optical recognition (some characters are very close to each other: I and 1, O and 0, etc), you can remap the associated keystroke for any character. To do so, click on the character preview, and then press the key on your keyboard which you would like associated with that particular character symbol. From this point, the result of the recognition is changed.

The characters you modify appear in a different color on the preview.
Amendments to the recognition are stored in a database, so that when a strictly identical character is found later in another document, it will be amended automatically. PDFtoMusic "learns" in order to ease your work.

To input a Unicode character which can't be entered directly from your keyboard, like for instance, Greek or Hebrew, let the command key (Apple key on MacOS, Ctrl key on Windows) depressed, while entering the Unicode value of the character (in hexadecimal).
For instance, Command+0394 will define the capital greek delta.
A summary of Unicode values can be found here:
Finally, some fonts don't include either music symbols or digits and letters, but graphics. Examples of this would be accordion register indicators, guitar chord diagrams, embellishments, etc.
In these cases, you can specify that the font has to be processed as graphics.
The miscellaneous characters of this font will then be considered to be graphics, and exported accordingly in the result file.

Once imported into Harmony Assistant, it gives:

Symbol correction

When moving the mouse pointer over a music symbol, its color changes:


Right-clicking opens the contextual menu related to this object.


In this menu, you can change the object settings. This is very useful, for example, when PDFtoMusic interprets a particular object incorrectly.
The red cross remove the object from the PDFtoMusic processing.
The green cross restore the object initial state.

To select several objects, apply a right click outside any object and define the area. All objects in this area will be selected.
To add several objects to the existing selection, do the same with Alt key pressed.
To remove several objects to the existing selection, do the same with Command key pressed.

You can select all objects from the Edit menu.

All change applied to a selected object will be applied to all selected objects with the same kind.

Staves and systems

A music score is made of several pages. Each page shows staff lines, joined in systems by a vertical line on the left.
There can be therefore several systems in each page.

When a performer doesn't play anything during several bars, the matching staff is often omitted in the system.
PDFtoMusic applies complex algorithms to "follow" staves from one system to another, and bring the parts together.
You can amend this result through "Correction > Staves and systems".

In this mode, the score is displayed in gray, while systems are shown as a blue vertical bar and numbered: S1, S2, etc.

Between each system, a glue tube enables you to merge systems.
Between each staff, a pair of scissors enables you to split the system.

Click the icon to apply the operation.

If you need to apply the same operation to the whole page, the whole document, or to the same place on all pages, right-click the icon and select the operation mode from the contextual menu.

Each part is marked with a letter, possibly followed by its name between brackets.
If you applied a change, the part name is displayed in green.
Clicking the blue arrow in the staff opens the contextual menu for relating the staff to the part:

- Automatic computation:
Cancels an applied change, so that the link between staff and part is computed by PDFtoMusic again.

- Exclude from computation:
The staff will be ignored. It enables you to remove a staff for computation, so that it isn't exported.

- Part list:
Choose in this list the part to which the staff has to be related.

- Create new part:
Creates a new part and relates the staff to it.

If the error you fix has occurred on all pages, right-clicking the staff name opens a contextual menu, enabling to apply the staves arrangement of the current page to all the other pages of the document.

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