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Software license

Non-profit distribution ofthe unregistered version of PDFtoMusic is permitted without prior written notice, provided that the software is not modified in any way, and is distributed in its entirety (this includes the application, data files, and all accompanying documentation).
For-profit distribution of the above software requires a prior written agreement from the authors, by post, fax or e-mail.

Complete or registered version

By purchasing a complete version of PDFtoMusic, the user accepts the present software license.
The complete version of PDFtoMusic is assigned to its owner, becoming personal and confidential as soon as the personal code that have been sent to the user after their purchase has been entered in the software. Neither the registered copy of the software, nor the personal registration number can be distributed in any form.

This license is not limited in time, and remains valid for all new versions of the same product.

It is valid for one user only. If you need to share a registered version of PDFtoMusic among several users, please contact us to get a site license.

The user is fully responsible for the non-distribution of his personal registration number and his registered copy of the software.


In no event will Myriad, its officers, directors, employees or agents be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from possession, use, or malfunction of one of their products.
Neither exchange, nor partial or total refund can be claimed for these products after the user has received and read his personal registration code.
Myriad reserves the right to invalidate and to disable at any time the personal registration code of a user following the illegal distribution of his code or a default in the complete payment of his software license fee.
In no event will Myriad be liable for any direct or indirect consequence of the invalidation and disabling of a personal registration code following a default in payment or an illegal distribution of the personal code.

Myriad Software, the Myriad Software logo, MyrScript, Harmony Assistant, Virtual Singer are trademarks of Myriad Software.
Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Adobe, Adobe Illustator and Adobe Photoshop are trademarks of Adobe, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

(c) Myriad 2007-2021 - All rights reserved